
As 2024 comes to a close, let’s sit back and remember. Remember all the times God showed up for you, not just this year but throughout your life. You, my friend are a miracle. Yes, you. The fact that you are living and breathing and your heart is beating means there is more for you here on Earth. Today, let’s remember.

I was reading Matthew earlier this month where Jesus’ disciples had just witnessed the miracle of Jesus feeding the 4,000 with a few loaves of bread and fish and again He fed the the 5,000 with a few loaves and fish. Both times they had leftovers after everyone had had their fill of food. His disciples had witnessed this miracle of multiplying food not once, but twice. In the very next chapter, (chapter 16 if you would like to read it) Jesus and his disciples were crossing over to the other side of the lake and the disciples realized they forgot to bring any bread with them. They started arguing. Jesus reminded them of the miracles of feeding vast amounts of people but he was not talking about the bread, he was talking about the deceptive teachings of man, the Pharisees and the Sadducees.

This world will tell you that you never have enough or even that you are not enough. It will keep you striving for more. It will make you forget what God has already done and how far He has brought you. Don’t get me wrong here, I love self improvement and goals and dreams. God put those in you for a reason, for the specific path and destiny He has for you.

Can I encourage you to not listen to the world but listen to the one who made you instead? If you are not the person you know you can be through Him, take the steps to let God breathe into your life anew. Let the wind of His Spirit, The Holy Spirit, sweep you up and transform you into who you were really created to be.

It’s easy to forget. Oh, how easily we forget. I sometimes forget why I walked into a room to get something! When we are warring and fasting and praying for something and God hears us and He moves- we celebrate! Then sometimes we forget the pit we were in. The pit he pulled us out of. Why we were praying. We forget to live in constant gratitude and awe of the One who answered our prayers.

Maybe you have had the worst year of your life. Don’t forget that you are still here for a reason.

Maybe you have had a stellar year, the best yet. Don’t forget who brought you through it all.

Remember all He has brought you through. He cares about the little things and the big things. He sees every tear you cry and he knows the very number of hairs on you head. He celebrates you and He loves you.



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