
Who Do You Say You Are?

Do you know who you really are? Like who you actually are?

We carry many titles through out our life. For me, I am a Wife, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Aunt, Cousin, Friend, Dog Mom (we got a puppy!) and Business Owner, among other things.

The one title that matters the most to me is that I am created to be a Daughter Of The King. So are you. You are a beloved daughter or son of The King of the Universe. God is our Father, our Abba, our Dad. Our identity is in Him. We are loved, chosen, and set apart. Every person on earth is created by Him. He is the Creator, the Alpha, the Omega, the Holy of Holies, The Great I AM. In Him and through Him is our every breath, our very being.

But do you actually BELIEVE that? I hope you do because it is truth.

There is something that happens when you realize your real worth and identity in Him. You hold your head up higher. You have God confidence. You have peace. I know that He is my Healer, Provider, Savior, King. I know He hears me.

In this world we will have troubles. It says so in The Word. But take heart because He has overcome the world. (John 16:33) Life can be hard. Trust me, I know hard. In the battles and trials He is always there. The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you. He will never leave you or forsake you. Do not be afraid. Do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8). You know why? Because you are royalty and you are His.

WE are His kids! Isn’t that amazing?!!!

Maybe your earthly father let you down. Maybe he was mean or absent. I want you to know that is NOT how our Heavenly Father is at all. He wants you to be near to Him and He wants to be near to you. He hears every word you speak, every thought you have and absolutely adores you. Yes, YOU.

All you need to do is press in. Get up early in the morning to spend time in worship and prayer and reading His Word. I challenge you for the rest of this month to get to know a deeper level of who God is and who He says you are. Start 2025 fresh with a deeper understanding and revelation of who He is and who He created you to be.

Surrender it all. Humble yourself before Him. Open your hands to Him and see what He does.



Show Up

I know it’s been awhile, so Hi! It’s me, Tahnee!

The Lord has been doing a huge work in my life since 2019, after the cancer, which is where most of you started following me. I have done the hard work of healing. Healing my body, which is still a work in progress. It’s so amazing what the human body can go through and come back. It’s been 5 years and I’m still trying to heal my physical body from the effects the cancer and treatments had on me. Healing my mind, which I didn’t realize how much I was suppressing in order to survive. I had a lot of Jesus and a lot of therapy. I have learned how to forgive, I have learned how to be a good friend, I have learned how to love people better, I have learned compassion and grace and how to have fun again. I have learned how to have feelings and even what feelings are. I will never be the same and I think that’s the point. I graduated out of oncology and out of therapy. I’m seeing natural doctors again, since my body responds better to natural healing than western medicine. They are helping me get everything back in balance.

God has been telling me to get back to writing and I have been working on a devotional this year. Recently, I felt the nudge to write in this blog again but I didn’t know what to write.

Yesterday, I was reading my Bible in Mark chapter 2, verses 1-5. It says:

“When Jesus returned to Capernaum several days later, the news spread quickly that he was back home. Soon the house where he was staying was so packed with visitors that there was no more room, even outside the door. While he was preaching God’s word to them, four men arrived carrying a paralyzed man on a mat. They couldn’t bring him to Jesus because of the crowd, so they dug a hole through the roof above his head. Then they lowered the man to his mat, right down in front of Jesus. Seeing their faith, Jesus said to the paralyzed man, “My child, your sins are forgiven.”

That’s as far as I got because I felt The Holy Spirit’s Presence and tears were rolling down my face. As you read on in this chapter, the man is instantly healed. He was healed BECAUSE OF THEIR FAITH.

I was so overwhelmed by the sheer love his friends had for him. They would do whatever it took to get him to Jesus. They wanted their friend healed and they believed. They weren’t going to stop until they brought their friend to Jesus.

I have seen many many miracles with my own eyes. I have seen too much to ever doubt the power of God. I know this is possible and still happens today.

The people you have around you truly matter. If you are around people who are talking the talk and walking the walk, chances are you will too. Iron sharpens iron. On the flip side, if you are around people who are negative, rude, and have a lot of drama, chances are that will also rub off on you.

What does it look like to carry your friends to Jesus? What does it mean to carry your friend, climb on a roof, destroy the roof and lower your friends to Jesus? Here is what I think it looks like:

  1. Intercession. Intercession is simply talking to God for your friends. It’s putting yourself in their position and praying from Heaven to Earth. It’s calling things forth. Calling healing, calling peace, calling provision. Whatever it is, you are interceding on their behalf.
  2. Show up. Be there during the good and the bad. If you think someone else will do it, you are right, someone else sure might. But if God has given you these people in your life to care for, you might be the person He has sent to be there for them. HEAR ME HERE: A need does not constitute a call. It is so important to listen to The Holy Spirit on this, otherwise you will run yourself ragged. Show up in whatever capacity you can in whatever season of life you are in. Send an old fashioned card, send a text. It doesn’t have to be extravagant. Just show up.
  3. Believe. Believe with them. Believe that God will finish the good work that He started.
  4. Ask the questions and really care. Everyone wants to know someone cares. Listen and hear your friends.
  5. Don’t judge or be critical. We are no better than anyone else. Whatever your friends are going through, just be there for them, validate their feelings and be careful with their heart. Speak truth in love and make sure they know you are for them and not against them. As a Jesus follower, we are unfortunately known for what we are against and not what we are for, which is for Love, for Jesus, for His Truth. I have heard it said you will never look into the eyes of someone Jesus does not love.

What else would you add to this?

Maybe you are reading this and thinking, “But I don’t have any friends or a community.” Get yourself into a community! Whether it is at your children’s school or volunteering at a soup kitchen, we are made to be in community. Is it risky? Yes. Are you going to get your feelings hurt? Probably. People are messy. But if you can make friends who will lead you into the presence of God- that’s where the gold is. There is nothing like it.

There is an old country song that if you have been around me long enough you know I love this song by Tim McGraw called Live Like You Were Dying. It says, “And I became a friend a friend would like to have.” Be that friend.

You might be the answered prayer for someone. This life isn’t about us. It’s about loving others. Not being a doormat. Not being taken advantage of. Just loving others in whatever capacity you have available.



Victory and Freedom

Hi Friends!

You might not know this, but I post little videos on social media and I greet my Sober Friends at the beginning of the videos. I know when I was getting sober, I relied heavily on social media sober people who would offer encouragement and inspiration so I’m paying it forward. By they way, I have been sober for 3 years and 8 months with no desire to return to a life with alcohol. Healed!

It’s really important that we help others in areas that we have struggled with and now have victory in. For me, it’s freedom from addiction and victory over cancer, sickness, depression, anxiety, the dual mastectomy and the body image issues that followed. Pretty heavy topics but I am determined that what the enemy meant for evil and to destroy and kill me, that God will use it for good and His glory. (Genesis 50:20)

The pain you might be going through is not always for you. Most of the time, it is for others so you can lead them through and offer encouragement that you made it. Remember, you can’t heal anyone and you can’t be anyone’s savior. That us up to God and the person’s willingness to get well and heal. A lot of time unfortunately, people have become so comfortable with their pain that they don’t know another way. For example, I have dealt with being sick since I was young. Sickness kept following me around and I held it close and and it became a toxic friend. It wasn’t until recently, I decided NO MORE. I declare daily that I walk in Divine health and I command my body to align with the Word of God. One of my amazing friends that I have had for a decade would always tell me when I was sick, “Make better choices.” I would laugh it off because she’s a funny one. But, I realized this powerhouse of a woman was never sick. That got me thinking and talking to God and healing. Friends, I know we live in a fallen world and we get the occasional virus, but I was literally always sick.

I have written about this before, the power of our words. Proverbs 18:21 in the Amplified version of the Bible tells us, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” Yikes. I would say that I am always sick, that I catch every bug, that I can’t catch a break. Ew. I was literally inviting sickness in and didn’t realize it.

When I would drink, I didn’t know another way to cope. I had to learn how to deal with my emotions and not just drink them away. That did no good at all. My problems were still there but with additional anxiety and depression that alcohol has been proven to cause. I had to heal from my past to move forward and walk into the light with Jesus.

Friends, all of this to say that God will never waste your pain. You might be in a pit today or you might be living in victory. Either way, know that you can use what you have gone through to help others through their pain if they are willing to ask for help and are ready for change. We are all put here on Earth for each other to show love and encouragement in this world and be a helping hand to the next person to pull them up.

What would your life look like if you stopped to think of all you have had victory over and you would pull others into victory with you? I challenge you to engage and partner with God to bring more people into healing and freedom. Don’t waste your pain. You made it through for a reason.

Freedom and Choices

Wow, it has been over a year since I have updated my blog. It’s not for lack of trying. Every time I would sit down to write, it just wasn’t time yet. Let me tell you, it has been over a year of quiet learning and breaking free from so many things that were holding me back. I hardly posted on social media during this transformation to freedom. 2022 was unlike any other year as far as learning more who I am, what lights me on fire, and who I truly belong to. It was a time of clarity, change and healing.

In December of 2021, my voice got taken away from me. Well, I should say I allowed it to be taken away. I was told that my words hurt people and that’s the last thing I wanted. I always want my words to encourage people and lift them up. I questioned everything I said and thought for months. So, I went through a year of healing with Jesus and realized that Satan wanted to shut me up. What he wanted to use for evil, God used for good. I now feel confident enough to come out swinging. I will always speak the truth, that’s who I am. I am now on a journey to take back everything that was taken away from me and more that was blocked because I gave in to the lies that I wasn’t worthy or enough.

Friends, have you ever felt that way? I want to tell you that you are more than enough. That you are worthy. That you have a God given destiny.

It starts with each of us individually letting God search our hearts and minds for what needs to be healed and what needs to be laid down. Healing is hard work but it must be done if you want to live the life you were created to live. Pastor Kimberly Jones always says that what happened to you is not your fault, but it is your responsibility to heal from it. I 100% agree with this. Are you going to be a victim or victorious? Do you point your finger at others because of the way your life is or can you point your finger back at yourself and see what needs to change and heal? The choice is totally yours.

So how do you live from victory? Get an easy to understand Bible and start reading it. I love the Gospels-Matthew, Mark, Luke and John because you can see and learn who the person of Jesus is. You prayerfully get some mentors and friends that you allow to speak into your life. Did you get that? That YOU ALLOW to speak into your life. Not everyone you meet has a right to speak into your life. You either allow it or you don’t. These people that you choose should be in a place in their life you want to be at. Then you test what they say with the Word of God.

God has the last say and He says you are wonderfully made. He says you are a son or daughter of The King (if you choose to be). He is always with you. You are strong and courageous. He has good plans for you!

Some of you reading this might think you are too far gone. That He doesn’t care about you because of the things that have happened to you. I’m so sorry for the things that people did to hurt you. People are not God. He loves you. He went to the cross for you and died in hopes that you would turn to Him. Some of you might think that there is no way He could ever love you because of the things you have done. That’s just not true. We all fall short every single day.

So today, between The Cross and The Resurrection, let Him in. It’s just a simple prayer. Prayer is just talking to God, like you would talk to a friend. You can say something like, “God, I’m sorry for trying to live life on my own and doing things my own way. Forgive me Father. I believe that your son Jesus died on the cross for everything I have done wrong, and that He rose from the dead 3 days later. Jesus, be King of my life starting today. I realize that I need you and don’t want to do this life on my own anymore. I love you and thank you for loving me no matter what. In Jesus Name, Amen.”

Let someone know that you prayed that prayer today. Let ME know if you don’t know anyone else who will celebrate with you! Every time someone makes Jesus king of their lives for the first time or again since walking away, I literally want to throw confetti and dance and sing because that’s what’s happening in Heaven when someone comes back to The Lord.

You are loved and you were created to walk in freedom!


Hi Friends!

What would it feel like to flow through life like a river? To flow in and flow out of each project, relationship, even to flow into and out of sleep?

God has been speaking to me a lot about partnering with Him and cooperating. He has also been showing me water and rivers.

First of all, I wasn’t even aware that I wasn’t cooperating. What a good Father we have that He showed me the places He wants me to be with Him. Obedience. Living for Him in all aspects of my life. Wanting to hear Him say, “Well done.” Making His heart happy and bringing Heaven to Earth.

One of the places He wants to be honored is with my finances. Now, I am a radical giver. I love to give. Jeremy and I tithe and we love to go above and beyond to bless others. The area where I am lacking is in the receiving. Giving and Receiving go hand in hand. I plain suck at receiving! If someone compliments me, I brush it off instead of receiving. If someone helps me unexpectedly, I don’t know how to react. My brain does not compute. The flow of giving and receiving isn’t operating the way it was meant to. The root of this is ultimately pride. I have this mentality that I can do it all myself and would rather die than ask for help. Come on, Tahnee!

I had to be good at receiving help when I was sick. Then somewhere over the last few years, I went back to my “I don’t need help” attitude of living. It wasn’t until recently that God showed me this is an area I need to let go of.

How loved are we that the King of the Universe will show us what we need to do if only we seek Him.

Now, for the river and water part. I see a large river and my heart is in the middle of it. It flows down, through my heart and out. This is how Giving and Receiving should be. A constant flow.

I’m going to be working on the receiving part of this. What about you? Is this something that resonates with you?

If you want to work on the giving part, I saw today that my friend Hannah Perry is looking for donations so she can go to YWAM. Pray about it, share it on the socials. Hannah graduated high school last year and she is so meant to be a missionary. She is on fire for Jesus! Here is her donation link:

If you are like me and need to work on the receiving, please know you are not alone in this! Be aware of when you need help and when you receive, don’t stomp it down. Know it is straight from God and raise a Hallelujah!

Keep the flow going through your heart like a river.

Subscribe to my blog so you can get it directly in your email!

Love you,


Back to Basics

Hi Friends!

It’s been a while.

I have been off of social media since December 10 and I also stopped drinking caffeine. Crazy, right? My mind is at so much peace and so is my soul. I never thought I would be able to stop either one of those things and that I would actually be okay. I now wake up totally awake without the aid of caffeine. My days are spent listening to the voices that raise me up and not wasting time with endless scrolling.

Something happens when you take the voices of this world and shut them off. It feels like taking off blinders and seeing the world for what it really is instead of what you think it is or should be. I now fill my ears and eyes with things that truly satisfy my soul, things and people that bring me closer to God and His glory. To say it has been life changing would be an understatement.

People have been so sick through this pandemic but I don’t think it’s only a pandemic of Covid 19. It is also a pandemic of isolation, loneliness, division and fear. We are right where Satan wants us if we give in to these things.

When the voices of this world get to be louder than God’s voice, I encourage you to take a step back and go back to the basics, or try these basics for the first time. Simplify, worship, prayer, reading your Bible, journaling. Then you will see that you are never alone and the One who created the Heavens and the Earth cares about YOU. His name is above all names, He is Lord of Lords. His name is Jesus and there is nothing you can do or have ever done to make Him love you any less. He loves you tremendously and He is just waiting for you to talk to Him. The cool thing is, when you start talking to Him and spending time together you start seeing the world the way He sees it. You will love your neighbor who thinks differently than you do. When someone is angry, you will see they are actually hurt or scared. When someone is habitually negative, you will see they are actually crying out for love. When someone gossips, they are actually insecure and seeking acceptance. When someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol, they are actually self medicating to cover up a past or current hurt. We are trying to cope in some way.

What if instead of coping or just getting through the day or getting through life, we tried healing instead? What would that look like for you? For me, it is getting back to the basics and simplifying my life. It’s being in complete surrender and communion at all times and knowing that even when I don’t know what to do, God does. It’s holding every thought and word captive to bring God praise.

If you are in a season where everything feels too heavy -trust me, I have been there- try getting back to the basics. Simplify. Worship. Pray. Read. Journal. I promise you He will meet you wherever you are at. You are never alone!

Please subscribe to my blog if you would like more encouragement so it will get dropped right into your inbox.



He’s Got You

Has it really been since April since I have written here?

It has been way too long! The Summer is going by so quickly. Liv is already starting school next week. We have definitely made the most of our Summer with a beach trip and lots of time on the water and in the sun. I think we are ready for Fall weather. We are looking forward to cool nights and hot apple cider. That is one of the many things I love about Colorado, the changing seasons and easy climate. The smoke from all of the fires has been pretty rough lately but it too is a season and it will pass.

God’s presence has been overwhelming in this time of seeking and honoring Him with tenacity. We have been learning and seeing so much. Miracle after miracle. Comfort, clarity, peace, love, gifts that only come from Him. While our world is in turmoil, we are at peace.

In this season the world is in, I think we could all use a little or a lotta more Jesus.

He will trade fear for peace.

He will exchange sickness for healing.

He trades confusion for clarity.

He turns weakness into warriors.

There is absolutely nothing that is impossible for Him. We worship Him simply because of who He is.

There was a little boy at Vacation Bible School who said “Jesus doesn’t exist. God doesn’t exist.” The other kids were pretty taken aback and shook up because that statement was impossible to them. The next day the little boy was talking about hurting people so I took him aside and asked him to pray with me. With his little hands in mine, I thanked God for His love and for loving this little boy so much. I don’t remember what else I said because the Holy Spirit took over and suddenly the little boy said: “I know God exists. My brain just told my heart. I know Jesus exists too and He is alive.” I asked him if he had ever asked Jesus into his heart and he said, “Yes, twice but I still can’t be good!” We talked about how when Jesus lives in us we live for Him and speak words of life and our words and actions show that we love God. Also, nobody is perfect. We are all human. He thought that God didn’t exist because he thought that he would magically be good once he decided to follow Jesus.

A lot of grown ups think like this too, don’t you think? This little boy’s honesty really spoke to my heart. When Jeremy and I decided to truly follow Jesus in 2009, Jeremy lost his job right after we made that decision. We started a business and never saw each other, I dealt with depression and anxiety for years, we struggled with alcohol addiction, got sober, went back to alcohol, beat cancer, decided to be sober for good and broke off those demons that told us we needed alcohol and broke off those demons that told me I always needed to be sick. The enemy has tried to destroy us so many times. Not exactly fairy tale rainbows and unicorns. But that led us to where we are today, trusting God in everything. We are sober and God miraculously healed me of the anxiety and depression. This is the longest I have gone without pharmaceuticals and I have never felt more peace and clarity. The struggles we faced gave me so much empathy for others with addiction, mental and physical health struggles.

So, when you choose to follow Jesus it isn’t a magic spell to release you from trials. If anything, you will be challenged more because you will be a huge threat to Satan and he will try to trip you up in any way. Keep pressing toward growing God’s Kingdom in your life and in the lives of others.

How incredibly precious must our souls be that the forces of Heaven and Hell are constantly battling for us.

Stand strong, my beloved friends and family. God has got you and your situation and whatever you are facing is not too big for Him.

I love you,

Tahnee XOXO


Who hasn’t been broken by this life? Whether it is family, career, society, health struggles, loss. So much loss. Loss of dreams, loss of love, loss of life.

Sometimes life feels like a blender that chops you up and spits you out.

My health has been something I have struggled with since I was a kid. I was always sick. It’s where the enemy knows to hit me and hit me hard. Maybe for you it is mental health or the state our world is in or a family member you pray for daily or financial or relationship struggles. Whatever it is, it breaks you open completely raw.

Okay, so we are broken, now what?

Do you sit in it? I DO. Do you feel sorry for yourself? YEP, ME TOO. Do you stay there? That’s where my answer is ABSOLUTELY NOT. I will never give up and I will never give in. Being a victim isn’t cute or healthy. It not only continually tears you and keeps you broken, but it takes others down with you.

I was sick with covid for 18 days. Like 2 trips to the hospital, super sick for 18 days. During that time, the virus tricked my mind. The virus told me to stay down and that I was alone. The virus told me I was going to have long haul symptoms. The virus told me I was never going to get better. The virus instilled fear and anger in me. I couldn’t go to church, couldn’t see my spiritual children at Youth. Sounds like the liar, the enemy Satan infiltrated my camp.

It was hard to pray, hard to really hear worship music, hard to read my Bible. I have never experienced such an intense spiritual attack for that length of time.

Of course the dummy didn’t win because HELLO I belong to Jesus and my victory is in HIM.

My oxygen stayed in the high 90’s. I have never been more thankful that I love to run and bike. It saved my heart from the chemo treatments, and this time kept me off of a ventilator or oxygen. We must take care of our bodies when we are well so we can fight when we are not well.

So, having recently come from a broken place, let me tell you how I am putting myself back together.

Surprise! I’m not. Jesus is. I can not do it without Him.

God gave me a picture of body cells with dark slashes through them. It stayed like that for a while. Then His healing light started lighting up the slashes. It’s a progressive picture. I know it is His promise to restore my health. It is going to be even better than before because that is the kind of God we serve.

Pressing in and dying to myself and what my human flesh wants and emptying myself of me and begging for more of Jesus is what gets me through this life. It makes each moment more peaceful and more beautiful than I could have possibly imagined.

Because of the health struggles I have encountered, I can compassionately pray for healing for others inflicted with sickness. My soul cries out for them, for you. God uses my struggle. He will never waste a hurt. I now know how it feels to not be able to breathe. I have so much more of an understanding of those who suffer with asthma.

Friends, be broken. But don’t forget you can be put back together. A little cracked, a little scarred. But those cracks and scars are what make us beautifully human.

Another In The Fire by Hillsong UNITED

There’s a grace when the heart is under fire
Another way when the walls are closing in
And when I look at the space between
Where I used to be and this reckoning
I know I will never be alone

There was another in the fire
Standing next to me
There was another in the waters
Holding back the seas
And should I ever need reminding
Of how I’ve been set free
There is a cross that bears the burden
Where another died for me
There is another in the fire

All my debt left for dead beneath the waters
I’m no longer a slave to my sin anymore
And should I fall in the space between
What remains of me and this reckoning
Either way I won’t bow
To the things of this world
And I know I will never be alone

There is another in the fire
Standing next to me


Tahnee XOXO


Well Jeremy, it has been 17 years since we said I Do. It is our Golden Anniversary and we are supposed to be in Miami Beach celebrating but I got Covid last week so we are home instead while I recover.

When I was a little girl I would rent The Princess Bride every weekend from Blockbuster. I had a huge crush on Wesley, the Farm Boy. He loved Buttercup so purely and fiercely. Little did I know I would be lucky enough to find my own Farm Boy in Jeremy.

We couldn’t be more different. He is quiet mannered and easy to get along with, I’m high energy. He’s old school and can be stuck in his ways, I’m a hippie at heart. He is a thinker, I am a talker. We process the world so differently. But our differences are what keep us together.

Our marriage Bible Verse in 2004 was Philippians 2:2, “So I’m asking you, my friends, that you be joined together in perfect unity—with one heart, one passion, and united in one love. Walk together with one harmonious purpose and you will fill my heart with unbounded joy.” It still rings true in 2021.

We are so blessed that when crisis or tragedy or conflict have come our way, we have always pulled together instead of walking away. Sometimes it took people in our inner circle to help keep us pushed towards each other and towards Christ but we have made it so far.

We have been through addictions, too many sicknesses, financial burdens, job losses, deaths.

We have also been through so many victories, triumphs, healing, miracles, and too many joys to count.

Now our beautiful daughter is growing up and heading to High School next year and we are headed to a new season in life to grow in.

No matter where we are at in life, my constant is you, Jeremy. My rock. My home. I would live anywhere as long as you were there with me.

Although we are not celebrating on a sandy beach, we are still celebrating us together and that is all that matters.

Thank you for doing this life with me and loving the mess I am so unconditionally. I never knew true unconditional love until I knew you.

I will love you always and forever,

Tahnee XOXO

Live in Peace

Hi Friends. It’s been a minute, I know. I have been healing, which is a super hard thing to do but oh so necessary.

Healing from childhood traumas, healing from self hatred, healing from offenses and unforgiveness I didn’t realize were there and hindering me from my own peace.

So many tears have been shed for myself and for others, cleansing my soul like a fresh spring rain. My eyelash extensions are not loving me lately.

It is so hard to let go of things that so do not belong to us, especially when the hurt runs so deep. I have great news though if you are willing to put in the work it takes. The burden is not ours to carry. We want to hold on to it because we do not remember there is a different way to live. Drop it like it’s hot.

It’s people that cause the hurt. Humans are messy. I love humans. But we are a hot mess.

What if you looked at that person who causes pain in your life, whether it be a parent, a family member, an ex spouse, a spouse, a teacher, a pastor, a friend, yourself….what if we looked at that person or people through the lens of love instead of living the pain over and over again? What if they simply didn’t know any different? I know I have caused hurt when I didn’t know how to deal with situations. For a while, it was easier to lash out and cut out. Reject before rejected. A. Hot. Mess.

What if we shrink these people who cause pain down to baby size, wrap them in a soft blankie, and carry them to Jesus? The battles are His. I like to picture the cross where Jesus died a horrific death so we can live, and I put that person who has caused me pain at the foot of the cross, tucked in nice and cozy. It helps me love them. Not always to LIKE them, because we don’t have to LIKE everybody, but to love them.

I’m not saying to go back to the abuse or the toxic or the pain. Do not miss this. Why would you keep putting your hand in a basket of snakes if you are going to continue to be bit and poisoned?

Releasing the pain and the person and the offense to Jesus FREES US, Friends.

I know I am guilty of saying, “I will NEVER forgive him/her for _________.” Who does that hurt? Not them. It only keeps me stuck in a cycle of unforgiveness.

I challenge you to try this imagery. When someone causes you pain, picture Jesus, the Cross, whatever represents freedom for you. Wrap the person up and place them at the foot of freedom. Enjoy unlocking true peace.


Tahnee XOXO